Appendix 41202. Legislative findings.  

Latest version.
  • The city council finds as follows:


    The City of Agoura Hills, pursuant to the powers delegated to it by the California Constitution, has the authority to enact laws that promote the public health, safety and general welfare of its residents.


    The occurrence of unruly gatherings on private property where alcoholic beverages are served to, consumed by, or in the possession of underage persons is harmful to the underage persons themselves and is a threat to the public health, safety, or quiet enjoyment of residential property and the general welfare. Underage persons, who have been consuming alcoholic beverages, are at greater risk to be in automobile accidents, to commit suicide, to be assaulted, and females are at greater risk of sexual assaults.


    Underage persons often obtain alcoholic beverages at gatherings held at private residences or at rented residential and commercial premises that are under the control of a person who knows or should know of the service to, possession by, and/or consumption of alcohol by underage persons. Persons responsible for the occurrence of unruly gatherings on private property over which they have possession or control have failed to ensure that alcoholic beverages are not served to, consumed by or possessed by underage persons at these gatherings.


    Problems associated with gatherings involving underage persons drinking alcohol are difficult to prevent and deter. Public safety personnel need an arsenal of tools to deal with the issue of underage drinking and its attendant problems. If persons are held civilly responsible by having to pay a fine for hosting this type of gathering where there is underage drinking, they will be more likely to properly supervise or stop such conduct at events held on property under their possession or control. The city has the legal authority to issue an administrative citation for an administrative fine.

(Ord. No. 06-341, § 1, 5-9-2007)